No one client has the same path to recovery; each requires a specific treatment program to meet thier individual needs. Recovery Unlimited has a diverse staff with varying capabilities which allows us to treat the individual and their specific needs for recovery.
Detox Options
We offer several detox options; our medical staff can facilitate medicated detox from various substances. We also have a home detox option, allowing our clients to manage the detox process in the comfort of their own home with managed medical treatment and case management. We DO NOT use methadone as a detox treatment option. We do have a variety of other medications to assist with the detoxification process.
Individual Therapy

No matter what program best suits your specific recovery needs, Induvial Therapy will likely be part of your plan. In these sessions, you will work long-term one-on-one with a counselor to learn self awareness, understand negative patterns of behavior, and healthy coping mechanisms to increase your chances of success in recovery.
Family Therapy

Addiction and Recovery affects the entire household. One of the best solutions to this issue is including the family unit with formal family counseling.
We also have a FREE drop in craft groups where families will learn news skills to adapt to a changing home environment and encourage a successful recovery from addiction.
Treatment Plan Options
In order to find a solution, we need to understand the underlying problem. A detailed assessment helps both staff and the client understand the best treatment options to reach successful recovery.
Outpatient Detox
Detoxify from substances safely in your home. Detox medications are managed by our medical team and you can self administer medications at home. Detox can be a physically and mentally demanding experience, but is the crucial first step towards recovery.
We work closely with clients to help meet the goals outlined in their parole plans. Extensive experience working with persons involved in the criminal justice system
Individual Counseling
Private sessions with you and a professional counselor are a common treatment for substance abuse. By building a therapeutic relationship in a safe and respectful environment, you can start to build key strengths to get and stay sober.
Group Counseling
This treatment option allows individuals to share experiences with others who have similar situations. By openly discussing issues, you take command of your reality with a support group to help during your transition to recovery.
Co-occurring Treatment
The abuse of substance often stems from several underlying “co-occurring” issues. Through a detailed intake evaluation, and individual/group counseling, we can treat several issues at once during your individual treatment program.
Case Mngmt.
Our case managers play a crucial role in helping our clients overcome barriers to treatment. Case managers assist with creating a treatment plan and help determine goals for treatment.
Medication Mngmt.
Our medical team allows us to manage prescribing and managing medications to alleviate mental health symptoms.
Intensive Outpatient
This 12 week program provides the skills to obtain and maintain recovery from substance abuse. Individuals participate in group therapy 9 hours per week along with individual therapy with a dedicated counselor. The program allows for a higher chance of success, while allowing clients to manage their home and work life.
DUI Therapy Level 4 Plus & Interlock Enhance Counseling
Often court ordered after a DUI conviction, our education therapy program includes an initial assessment followed by an assignment to Track A, B, C, or D. Length of time in services depend on successfully completing the requirements of the assigned Track. We focus on the person, not the DUI; we also provide Level Four DUI Plus Services. Contact us with any additional questions about DUI services.
Couples Therapy
Substance abuse affects the entire family unit. Often times there are underlying relationship issues as a result of using and abusing substances. This treatment option is highly encouraged for couples as it assists with creating improved communication and understanding for both parties.
Family Therapy
This 90 minute group therapy session meets weekly and helps families understand and manage a household with a recovering family member. This program helps all members of the family have a shared understanding of the changes and new norms of the household. There is a Free CRAFT Group (no commitment) which meets every Thursday at 5:00pm. In this group, participants will learn new skills to cope with the new normal of a household with an individual in recovery (Pikes Peak office); contact Cat at 720-782-4778
Trauma Treatment
Trauma can often be a cause, and or effect of of substance abuse. Our counselors use evidence based practices to treat individuals who suffer from trauma related experiences. These experiences include but are not limited to, sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a method to help individuals recover from trauma and other extremely stressful memories and experiences. This alternative treatment method is often successful with helping individuals move through the retelling and reliving of traumatic events.
Alcohol and Drug Testing
Our medical team gives us the capability for on site alcohol and drug testing. The ability to test during treatment allows us to create a relationship built on trust and encourage sobriety by focusing on accountability.
Court Approved Evaluations
Local court systems often require a mandated alcohol and drug abuse assessment with sentencing. Recovery Unlimited works with local court systems to ensure our evaluations meet court requirements.